New Contractor Members applying for membership in NTRCA may apply within the following categories:
Residential – A business entity in Texas whose primary business is the application, installation and/or repair of residential roofs.
Commercial – A business entity in Texas whose primary business is the application, installation and/or repair of commercial roofs (office/retail buildings; industrial complexes; hospital/healthcare facilities; manufacturing facilities; churches; sports complexes etc.).
Both - For an additional fee, you may be listed as both residential and commercial.
New Members must meet the following criteria to apply for membership:
The company has a local address in North Texas that is defined as the area south of Oklahoma, east of Abilene, west of Louisiana, and north of Waco (Please provide a utility bill with the company name and address which is no less than 3 months old or lease agreement which is current for at least next 3 months.)
The company is a registered business with the state of the Texas or with a county in North Texas. (Please provide a copy of current registration with the state or your local county).
The company is in good standing with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). (If listed with the BBB the company must have a B rating or above.)
The company holds and maintains General Liability Insurance. (Please provide a copy of certificate of insurance.)
The company agrees to not knowingly present a false or fraudulent invoice for the payment of a loss in connection to an insurance claim.
If the State of Texas enacts a licensing requirement, the company understands that membership in NTRCA requires that the company comply with licensing requirements in accordance with state guidelines.
The company agrees to abide by the NTRCA Code of Ethics.
The company will provide recommendations for membership from a current NTRCA associate member and a current NTRCA contractor member.
NTRCA will grant accredited status to contractors upon completion of the following:
The company has been in business for 2 years.
Attend either 4 lunch and learns or 2 lunch and learns and one other training event ie. Commercial Workshop or other special training put on by NTRCA.
Attend an NTRCA New Member Orientation Event.
The company has been a member of NTRCA for 12 months from the date of approved membership.
The company, if listed on the BBB, maintains a A rating.
Only one vote shall be cast by each business entity/member or each matter to be voted on and that vote shall be cast by the person selected to do so by the business entity/member.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS may be any business entity that provides materials, equipment or services used by the Contractor Members; who have paid and continues to pay the dues and fees that may be imposed by the Board of Directors. Only one vote shall be cast by each business entity/member or each matter to be voted on and that vote shall be cast by the person selected to do so by the business entity/member. Associate members may hold office as a director, but not as president, past president or president elect.
HONORARY MEMBERS may be anyone so selected for that privilege by the Board of Directors. Honorary Members may have such privileges, excluding the right to vote, as the Board of Directors may extend to them from time to time.
APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP All applicants for membership shall complete and sign the form of application provided by the Board of Directors and submit the application to the past president. A non-refundable application fee will be paid by the applicant to cover screening costs incurred by the association. Such application shall include an agreement by the applicant to abide by the Association’s Code of Conduct, maintain General Liability Insurance coverage and to pay any dues and fees imposed by the Board of Directors. Applicants must be recommended by a current contractor member and by a current associate member.
ADMISSION OF MEMBERS Admission of all applicants for membership shall be by a majority vote of those present and voting at any meeting of the Board of Directors, or in such manner as the Board of Directors may determine. Admission will be determined on the second Wednesday of the month during the monthly meeting of the board of directors. Applications must have been received prior to the first Wednesday of the month to be reviewed at this meeting.
TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP Except for non-payment of dues, Members may be removed for cause upon being advised in writing of the proposed action and given a reasonable time and opportunity for a defense to the motion for removal. Removal shall be on a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors. Upon removal, dues will NOT be refunded.
LICENSING If the State of Texas enacts a licensing requirement members will have to comply in accordance with the state.
DUES AND ADMISSION FEES The dues are set by the board for each company applying for or renewing their membership.
DELINQUENCY Any member who is delinquent for a period of sixty days from the time dues become due shall be notified of such delinquency and suspended from further services. If dues are not paid within the next succeeding thirty (30) days, the delinquent members shall be dropped from the rolls and thereupon forfeit all rights and privileges of membership. The dropped member will then have to reapply for membership with NTRCA as a non-accredited member after March 31 of that applicable calendar year.
REFUNDS & PRORATION No dues shall be refunded to any member whose membership terminates for any reason. New member dues are reduced by $25 in April and $50 in July. Those joining in October, join for the next year getting the remainder of the current year for free. Read more about our refund policy.